29 September, 2010

The Prewed Shoot: Day 3 (Habour Grand Hotel)

Our conversation with an Aussie Couple in the lift:
Aussie Guy: What's the gun for? (See pics below)
Dave: We're shooting a movie
Aussie Guy: Seems like you're gonna shoot the actress
Dave: ...................... (Smiling Politely)
Last day of photo shoot! Almost done, but there's still a ton of pics to take and the we'll start filming the video as well. As usual we woke up at 7.30am for the makeup.

She might be still asleep

She's always in a bad mood in the morning, because she's still sleepy
Then she'll go like: Get me my breakfast, find where I put my contacts, faster!!!  -_-

Ready to roll out
This morning's shoot will be taken in the lobby of the hotel we stayed in, Grand Habour Hotel, Kowloon.
The lobby is very nice, the scent of Lavender oil fills the area and still reminds me of the place even when we're not staying there anymore. The ceiling is decorated by grandeur Crystal Hanging Chandeliers.

Taken at the Hotel's upper ground, to be level with the crystal chandelier
Even the photographer is in matching red

We picked the rose from the Hotel's decorations
The silver gun
Supposed to be like Bond but more like Pink Panther
Fave pic of the day: Man with the silver toy gun


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