11 February, 2011

The Holy Matrimony: From Wei Qi & Raj's Cam Part 3

This is where we face each other and say our wedding vows

When saying the wedding vows in Bahasa Indonesia, we did not have anyone to translate what we were saying, but it basically means, that we vow to take each other as our lawful wedded husband/wife in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health till death do us part in the presence of our God and saviour Jesus Christ.

I know that some of the English speaking audience thought that we were saying something very touching to each other, but it's all memorised and Ps. Daniel was whispering the vow to us to help us out.

Bestman Tim hands over the rings

Putting on the ring for each other

Partaking in our 1st Holy Communion as husband and wife


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