09 December, 2010

The Food Testing

On the 8th of December 2010, we had the food testing session. The Hotel allowed us to bring 10 people. Agnes brought her mum and aunt along, while I brought both my parents and grandma. Our wedding organisers from IWP, Irene and Lydia came along to give us suggestions on the food.

We were greeted by the Manager, Mr Irwan and the 2 in-house chefs
Have to take their photos lah, if on the day the food not nice, I'll know who to find, hohoho.

Our  Wedding Organisers Irene and Lydia going through the food list
The rest of us only care about eating. I brought along a camera but left it in the car, everytime when there's food involved sure forget about taking pictures, so all these pics were taken with the mobile phone.

We tucked in, while the manager had to ask if each dish is prepared well enough
My parents never help much in choosing the food. Dad just ate whatever was on his plate
Left to right: My Grandma, Agnes's Aunt and Agnes' Mum
Enjoying the food
Can't finish everything there's so much leftover
These are the some items on the menu that we choose:

All in all, it was a pleasant experience with the manager Mr Irwan catering to our needs just nice. We weren't supposed to get dessert but my parents took advantage of the situation and asked for Ice Cream to close. He had to get the waiters to get them from the hotel restaurant. Kudos to top notch service by the hotel staff.


Please comment if you have any ideas to share

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